If I told you that the NES single-handedly saved America’s video game market and revolutionized console gaming forever, you’d probably consider it a hyperbolic statement. As you go higher up in levels, the ducks will start to become faster and move in more randomized patterns. There’s also clay shooting in which you fire at clay frisbees. In Duck Hunt, you can vary the difficulty by choosing how many ducks fly out from the bushes at the same time.
#Metal storm nes concept art tv#
To play this game you need the Light Gun, a special accessory for the NES that lets you point and shoot at objects on a TV screen. It’s a game about shooting down ducks while your trusty dog picks them up as you drop them from the sky. Even if you aren’t a fan of Nintendo, these games are the foundation upon which our current video game industry has been built. Today, I’m taking a look at the top 50 all-time NES games that you must play if you’re a Nintendo fan. It was deliberately called an “entertainment system” to have a better chance of selling in the North American market. Plus, the NES wasn’t even marketed as a “game console”. Nintendo’s NES controller was also revolutionary, popularizing the D-pad which we take for granted these days. You couldn’t get these on home computers at the time. Titles like Mario, Zelda, and Mega Man made Nintendo a household name.
The main reason Nintendo succeeded where everyone else failed is their games. The NES sold like groceries and by the late 80s, one out of every 3 homes in the United States had an NES. They released their brand new Nintendo Entertainment System right in the middle of all this chaos. However, Nintendo wasn’t bothered by any of this. Speculators and market analysts were calling video games a fad. Because of the 1983 video game crash, several retailers and game manufacturers left the industry.